Then succeeded from after them successors, who neglected the prayer and they followed the lusts so soon, they will meet evil
Yet they were succeeded by generations [of people] who lost all [thought of] prayer and followed [but] their own lusts; and these will, in time, meet with utter disillusion
Now there hath succeeded them a later generation whom have ruined worship and have followed lusts. But they will meet deception
But after them there followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed after lusts soon, then, will they face Destruction,
But they were succeeded by generations who neglected prayer and followed their lusts and so will soon face the evil consequences.
But they were succeeded by generations who neglected prayer and pursued their desires so they will meet with utter disillusionment -
But then they were succeeded by generations who neglected their prayers and were driven by their own desires. They will assuredly meet with destruction
But there came after them an evil generation, who neglected prayers and followed and sensual desires, so they win meet perdition
Then, after them succeeded a succession who wasted the formal prayer and followed their lusts. So they will meet error,
Descendants have replaced them who neglected prayer and followed [their own] passions. They shall meet with aimlessness
But the generations who succeeded them gave up the prayer and followed their lusts. So they will soon meet transgression.
Then they were succeeded by a generation who neglected prayer and followed base desires. So they shall meet [the reward of] error
Yet there succeeded them successors who neglected the prayers and pursued their desires. They will face devastation.
But they were succeeded by generations who lost the prayers and followed their appetites. They will meet perdition
Then, appeared after them a posterity who gave up As-Salat and followed (their) vain desires. So, soon they will meet destruction
But the generations who succeeded them abandoned the Salah and started following their lusts; so they will soon face the consequences of their deviation
Then there succeeded even after them a succession who wasted the prayer and closely followed lusts; so they will eventually meet misguidance
They were succeeded by a generation who neglected their prayers and followed their worldly desires. They will certainly be lost
Then came after them the successors who neglected Salah and followed (their selfish) desires. So they will soon face (the outcome of their) deviation
But after them came generations who abandoned the Divine System and followed after lusts. And, these will, in time, meet utter disillusion
They were succeeded by ignorant ones, those who squandered their "salat´ and followed their whims and the pleasures of the flesh. Their just deserts shall soon catch up with them
But after them there came descendents who missed prayers and went after (their) desires soon, then, will they come to (their) destruction—
But there came after them successors who neglected prayer and pursued desires; so they are going to meet evil
Then, generations came after them who lost the Connection, and followed desires. They will find their consequences.
but there came after them generations who neglected prayer and were driven by their own desires. These will come face to face with their evil
Then there succeeded to them a posterity who neglected the prayers and followed lusts; so presently they shall meet with perdition.
But they are succeeded by a generation who neglect their devotional obligations and follow only earthly pleasures; but they will reach the wrong road and meet destruction
An evil generation succeeded them who neglected the salat and followed their appetites. They will plunge into the Valley of Evil —
Then, there succeeded them generations who neglected and wasted the Prayer and followed (their) lusts, (abandoning the service of God’s cause). They will meet perdition (as their just deserts)
But they were succeeded by an evil posterity who neglected the prayer, and followed [their base] appetites. So they will soon encounter [the reward of] perversity
But there succeeded after them a later generation who have ruined worship and have followed lusts (prejudices, fantasies, greed, self-interest, superstition), but they shall at length face deception (or failure, destruction)
Then successors followed after them who neglected (or abandoned) mandatory prayer and followed their desires, so they will face (the result of their) error,
But after them followed a generation who neglected prayers and followed their lusts, soon will they face destruction
After them came generations who neglected the prayer and followed their lusts. Soon they will face the consequences of their evil.
They were succeeded by a people who neglected the Prayers and pursued their lusts. They shall presently meet with their doom
Then, generations came after them who lost the contact prayer, and followed desires. They will find their consequences
But then generations that followed them became negligent of prayers and followed sensual desires. And they shall encounter disaste
Then after them came those degenerate who wasted prayer and followed their lust then soon they will encounter a valley of the hell.
After them, He substituted generations who lost the Contact Prayers (Salat), and pursued their lusts. They will suffer the consequences.
But the generation that succeeded them wasted their prayers and followed their desires, so they shall encounter erro
But there came after them an evil generation, who wasted prayers and followed lusts, so they will meet perdition
So succeeded/followed from after them a succession , they lost/wasted/destroyed the prayers, and they followed the lusts/desires/cravings, so they will/shall meet/find misguidance/failure
Then there came after them generations who forgot to worship the Lord on regular basis, and pursued their lusts instead. They will soon suffer the consequences
And after them came the unworthy successors who squandered prayer and pursued their own desires, so they will soon encounter the forest of Gai in hell
Then there came after them an evil generation who neglected Prayer, and followed their evil desires. So they will meet destruction
Then followed their pathetic successors who gave up Prayers and followed the lusts (of their ill-commanding selves). So they will soon face punishment in the Hereafter (in the Ghayi valley of Hell)
But after them evil descendants came, who neglected prayer and pursued (their) evil passions. They are doomed to meet perdition
Then, there has succeeded them a posterity who have given up As-Salat (the prayers) (i.e. made their Salat (prayers) to be lost, either by not offering them or by not offering them perfectly or by not offering them in their proper fixed times, etc.) and have followed lusts. So they will be thrown in Hell
Then there succeeded after them a succession who wasted the prayer, and followed lusts; so they shall encounter erro
But a succeeding generation have come after them, who neglect prayer, and follow their lusts; and they shall surely fall into evil
And successors succeeded them, who lost sight of prayer and followed lusts, but they shall at length find themselves going wrong
But others have come in their place after them: they have made an end of prayer, and have gone after their own lusts; and in the end they shall meet with evil:
But the generations who succeeded them neglected their prayers and succumbed to their desires. These shall assuredly be lost
So after them came the evil successors who neglected the prayer and they pursued their vain desires. They in turn will meet the pit of Ghayyi.
But there succeeded after them a posterity who failed to care of prayer properly, and pursued wordily lusts: so they are doomed to face perdition,
And after them came a succession (of people) who neglected prayer and followed desires, and they will soon meet their downfall.
After them, however, there followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed lustful desires. Soon, then, they will face destruction.
Then they were succeeded by generations who wasted the prayers and followed desires, and thus they will encounter (the sequel of their) delusion—
Descendants have replaced them who neglected prayer and followed [their own] passions. They shall see ramification [in Hell]
So, they were succeeded by successors after them who wasted the prayers and followed the desires. So, they will meet an error end (Ghaya).
They were succeeded by generations who neglected their prayers and followed only their lusts; and these will, in time, meet with utter disillusion.
But there came after them descendants who neglected prayer (introspective turning to one’s essence) and followed their desires (the impulses driven by the idea of being the body and baseless ambitions)... They will soon find themselves in the pit of Gayya (the pit of hell from which they will not be able to escape).
Then there succeeded them a later generation who ruined prayers and followed lusts. Soon, then, they shall meet perdition
(Pitifully) they were followed by generations who neglected the act of worship, and lusted after the worthless, and in vanity they wasted their days. But as there came the day to those of old, the day will come to those of today and shall come to those-to-come when they shall taste the evil consequence here, and worse shall it be Hereafter
But the successors who succeeded after them wasted their worship (salat) and followed lusty desires, so they will meet (the punishment for their) error,
Then successors succeeded after them; they left the prayer and they followed lusts, so soon they will meet error,
But after them there followed a posterity who missed prayers and followed after lusts soon, then, will they face Destruction,
Then succeeded after them successors, who neglected the prayer and they followed the lusts so soon, they will meet evi
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